Why systemisation is key to business success in 2018 and beyond

Published on 21/03/2018 on https://www.thebusinesswomanmedia.com/systemisation-key-business-success/

Whether you’ve given it much consideration or not, your business is likely to be running on a series of systems that help provide order and encourage success. Without these systems in place, companies can find themselves falling into chaos quite quickly, as it can be almost impossible to manage expectations and responsibilities without them.

For this reason, I believe that the systems we use within our business deserve careful consideration. As the Managing Director of the leading business within the wider Biggin & Scott network, I have spent a great deal of energy overhauling our internal systems to ensure they are fully equipped to support our staff. The experience has taught me many things, but none more important than the importance of systemisation.

When implemented correctly, the systems we use have the potential to unlock unlimited success and break through the barriers that hold us back. As we move towards the future, the options for systemisation are increasing by the day, and there is more opportunity than ever to improve our processes and advance our business. Here are some of the reasons why systemisation is the key to success in business in 2018 and beyond.

Improved customer service

Customer service is the foundation of our industry, and as every experienced real estate agent will attest to, the way we interact with our customers can ultimately determine our long-term success. However, strong customer service doesn’t simply boil down to a friendly demeanour and good people skills.

From responding to an onslaught of customer enquiries to ensuring extensive legal requirements have been met, providing good customer service as a real estate agent is no easy feat – but it can certainly be made a lot easier with the right systems in place. Having the necessary structures to prevent any important tasks from slipping through the cracks can drastically improve your service and free up hours of time that could be far better spent.

Increased autonomy

As a business owner, autonomy is your best friend. Not only has it been proven to increase employee engagement, but it also allows you to step away from the business for a short amount of time without having your hard work come undone.

Business owners can increase autonomy by training staff on a set series of procedures that must be followed at all times – regardless of whether managers are present or not. Once competent, productivity often increases and employees tend to assume more responsibility in their work.

Uncapped potential

Once you have identified the systems that work best in your business, the path to success should be in clear view, and you’re likely to find that you will reach your goals much fast than you may have previously anticipated.

By developing a successful system, it can also be expected that you will free up more of your own time which can then be spent focusing on the growth and expansion of the business. Essentially, when you have the proper systems in place, there is no limit to your success.

A more personal touch

While our options for automation offer many benefits, it’s important to not leave it all to technology. In my experience, the best strategy is to utilise these technologies in our favour while simultaneously adding a more personal touch.

This is something I have found to be highly effective – and incredibly well received by customers. Although it might be easier to send out a well-written email to your entire database, sometimes picking up the phone and having a real conversation can be infinitely more effective.

Continuous advancements

As more and more new systems become available, it’s important we keep up to date with the technological advancements – not simply for our own benefit, but to stay ahead of our competition as well.

As systems continue to advance, we can expect the way we do business to shift and the expectations of our customers to change. The market is becoming increasingly competitive, and our ability to adapt could ultimately mean the difference between whether we fail or flourish in an ever-changing climate

Danelle Hunter Biggin & Scott Knox